Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Russian Vote 'Fraud' (Video inside)

Kalau tidak menipu tentu Parti Bersatu Rusia yang dikepalai oleh Perdana Menteri sekarang iaitu Vladimir Putin bukan saja kehilangan 77 kerusi parlimen dalam pilihan raya Dewan Perwakilan (Duma) yang berlangsung Ahad lalu tetapi mungkin tewas..

Parti berkenaan hanya mampu memperolehi 238 kerusi daripada 450 kerusi Duma pada pilihan raya parlimen yang berlangsung Ahad lalu.

Tidak mustahil penipuan sebegini atau berbagai lagi jenis penipuan yang seperti kita lihat dalam daftar pemilih dan juga pemberian (penjualan sebenarnya) MyKad kepada PATI dengan syarat mereka mengundi parti pemerintah sekarang.

Ianya demi mengekalkan kuasa.. baca berita ni..

Parti Bersatu Rusia Pimpinan Putin Sekadar Menang Tipis Dalam Pilihan Raya Parlimen

MOSCOW: Parti Bersatu Rusia yang dikepalai oleh Perdana Menteri Vladimir Putin telah kehilangan 77 kerusi parlimen dalam pilihan raya Dewan Perwakilan (Duma) yang berlangsung Ahad lali.

Parti berkenaan hanya mampu memperolehi 238 kerusi daripada 450 kerusi Duma pada pilihan raya parlimen yang berlangsung Ahad lalu.

Pada pilihan raya 2007, Parti Bersatu Rusia memenangi 315 kerusi.

Sistem politik baru Rusia sepertimana Amerika mempunyai dua bentuk pilihan raya - satu untuk memilih presiden dan satu lagi memilih perwakilan ke Dewan Rakyat.

Di Rusia Dewan Rakyat digelar 'Duma'.

Keputusan pilihan raya itu diumumkan oleh Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Rusia, Vladimir Churov.

Ini adalah pengurangan kerusi Parti Bersatu Rusia yang paling buruk dalam sejarah demokrasi moden negara tersebut selepas kejatuhan Empayar Soviet.

Ia sekaligus menjejaskan peluang Putin untuk kembali sebagai presiden negara itu dalam pilihan raya presiden tahun depan.

Walaupun parti pimpinan Putin itu memperolehi majoriti tipis tetapi beberapa protes telah berlaku di ibu kota Rusia ini dan juga di bandar kedua terbesar iaitu Saint Petersburg yang menyaksikan pihak polis menahan lebih 300 penunjuk perasaan termasuklah bloger anti-rasuah terkenal, Alexei Navalny di Moscow dan lebih 100 orang lagi di St Petersburg.

Dengan kehilangan majoriti dua pertiga ini bermakna Parti Bersatu Russia berhadapan dengan kesukaran untuk meminda sebarang perkara dalam perlembagaan negara.

Dari segi peratusan undi pula, parti berkenaan hanya mampu meraih 49.35 peratus undi berbanding 64 peratus padqa 2007.

Parti pembangkang iaitu Parti Komunis Rusia kembali memperolehi sokongan dengan memenangi 92 kerusi parlimen.

Ini diikuti oleh Parti Just Russia dengan 64 kerusi dan parti ultra-nationalis, Liberal Demokrat yang memperolehi 56 kerusi.

Bagaimanapun jumlah yang keluar mengundi hanyalah 60 peratus.

Pengaruh Parti Bersatu Russia di sebahagian besar daripada 83 wilayah Rusia telah menyaksikan kemerosotan yang ketara melainkan di wilayah Utara Caucasus yang didominasi oleh masyarakat Islam, parti berkenaan menerima sokongan padu-mStar

Video yang disiarkan dalam Astro Awani pagi tadi

Clinton Urges Investigation of Russian Vote 'Fraud,' Says Rights Eroding

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for an investigation into “fraud” in Russia’s election in remarks that focused on “growing restrictions” on democracy and human rights in the former Soviet Union.

Speaking to a gathering of the 56-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Vilnius, Lithuania, today, Clinton pointed to protests sweeping the Arab world and described an “essential” link between human rights and political stability. People’s aspirations are as central to stability as military security, she said.

Clinton warned about eroding rights and violence against minorities in parts of the OSCE, targeting Belarus, which subjects human rights defenders to “unremitting persecution.” Bolstering a call for a Russian probe, Clinton cited a preliminary OSCE report on Russia’s Dec. 4 election for the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, that lists election- day attempts to stuff ballot boxes, manipulate voter lists, and the harassment of independent Russian election observers.

“Russian voters deserve a full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation,” Clinton said. “The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted. And that means they deserve free, fair, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them.”

Thousands of protesters took to Moscow’s streets Monday to accuse Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party of rigging the elections. United Russia won 49.5 percent of the vote, preliminary results show, down from the last election, when it won 64.3 percent.

The top U.S. diplomat urged the Russian government to act on recommendations by the OSCE observer mission. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who is at the meeting, didn’t respond directly to Clinton’s call. He criticized the United Nations Security Council resolution, pushed by the U.S., that authorized NATO’s military engagement in Libya.

“ We’re seriously concerned about use of the Security Council for illegal ends,” Lavrov said. “If we deviate from the rule of law, however elegant our excuses for doing so,” we cannot help but undermine it.

Clinton’s weeklong swing through Europe includes stops in Brussels, Geneva, and The Hague. She attended a conference on Afghanistan in Bonn, Germany, yesterday. Her trip is focused on promoting democracy, basic freedoms and minority rights.

“There are growing restrictions on the exercise of fundamental rights throughout the OSCE region,” Clinton said.

She put special emphasis on the situation in Belarus, mentioning two presidential candidates — Andrei Sannikov and Mikalai Statkevich — who were jailed after December 2010 elections, describing them as “political prisoners.”

She also singled out the case of Ales Bialiatski, a human rights activist who was convicted on tax charges in November and sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail.

His “real crime, in the eyes of the state, was helping victims of state repression,” Clinton said. She met privately with Belarusian activists while at the OSCE meeting.

Clinton highlighted the prosecution of Yulia Tymoshenko in the Ukraine, saying it raised “serious questions about political motivations.”

She also presented a Declaration on Fundamental Freedoms in the Digital Age, urging members to guarantee freedom of speech whether it occurs in the town square or on the social networking sites of Twitter Inc. or Facebook Inc.

Independent journalists in the OSCE region have been attacked and even killed “with impunity,” she said. The declaration has 27 co-sponsors and needs unanimous backing to be adopted.

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